Sports activities are essential for physical fitness. To achieve this goal, the college is providing the best available facilities for all major games e.g. cricket, football, volleyball, handball, basketball etc. There are inter-house competitions and all the cadets have full opportunity to participate in their favorite sports. Cadet College Noshki emphasizes on both academic and physical training of the cadets. Co-curriculum / extra-curricular activities are very essential for the moral grooming, discipline and confidence of the cadets. These are especially addressed by utilizing all the available resources. All the events are scheduled in annual calendar and observed actively with full interest by the cadets.


To develop a healthy sense of competition among the cadets, debates in English, Urdu, General knowledge, Geography, Science Quiz, Spelling, Naat, Hamd and Qirat contests are held regularly at house as well as at college level. In fact, Inter-house competitions, in all fields are the deciding factors for the overall house position towards the general college championship.


Cadet College Noshki emphasizes on both academic and physical training of the cadets. Co-curriculum / extra-curricular activities are very essential for the moral grooming, discipline and confidence of the cadets. These are especially addressed by utilizing all the available resources. All the events are scheduled in annual calendar and observed actively with full interest by the cadets


Besides sports, games, hobbies and co-curricular activities, the cadets are provided with the facility of TV in mess hall and indoor games gear in the college for leisure time occupation. There is also a recreation movie club, which arranges screening of English movies on week-ends. Excursion trips, hiking, variety programs, dramas and many other activities are also organized