Annual Dues
Rs. 75,000/- to be payable into equal installments.
1st installment
(Rs. 37,500/-) March to September every calendar year.
2nd installment
(Rs. 37,500/-) September to Fabruary every calendar year. Payable at the time of admission
Admission Fee (Non-refundable)
Rs. 1000/-
Miscellaneous / Maintenance
Rs. 6000/-
Medical Fee
Rs. 5000/-
(Refundable on leaving CCN except those are expelled on disciplinary grounds.)
Security Fee
Rs. 5000
Total amount payable at the time of admission Rs. 54,500/-
Rs. 54,500/= can be deposited into the college online account or a bank draft in favour of Principal Cadet College Noshki or may be submitted by hand at the time of reporting. Account No. 0079-281066199 is maintained at UBL Pakistan Noshki, Branch.


Annual dues are Rs. 260,000/- to be payable into equal installments.

Detail of payment at the time of admission are as under: -

1st Installment
Rs. 130,000/-
2nd Installment
Rs. 130,000/-

2. Payable at the time of admission

Admission Fee (Non Refundable)
Rs. 1000
1st Installment Charges:
Rs. 130,000/-
Security Fee
Rs. 5000/-
Miscellaneous / Maintenance
Rs. 6000/-
Medical Charges
Rs. 5000/-
Total amount payable at the time of admission Rs. 147,000/-
Rs. 147,000/= can be deposited into the college online account or a bank draft in favor of Principal Cadet College Noshki which may be submitted by hand at the time of reporting
Account No. 0079-281066199 is maintained at UBL branch Noshki.
If dues are not received, till March 31st and August 1st each year, a fine will be charged as under

Rs. 50/- per day for the first 7 days.

Rs. 100/- per day for the subsequent period.

If the dues are not paid even after 45 days, the admission is likely to be cancelled.

Dues and fees once paid are not refundable and college shall not be accountable to the parents in regard with the utilization of the deposited money.

An affidavit is mandatory to the effect that dues will be cleared in time and college rules and regulations will be followed in true spirit.

Click Here to Download Admission Form.