
Maintaining a high standard of discipline is the hallmark of the college. It plays a very significant role in grooming and moulding the cadets into a wholesome personality as the highly useful future citizens of the country.

Daily Routine

While in the college, cadets have to follow the daily routine. The purpose of daily routine is to make a balanced time distribution for each activity. This is mandatory not only for their academics but also for physical growth.

Annual Calendar

An annual calendar is issued with prior approval of the principal. It includes schedule of all the events competition, examination, term breaks and vacations.


All the prayers are compulsory for all cadets, except Non-Muslims.

Absence from College

The name of the cadet will be struck off from the college role after six days of an unauthorized absence, without any notice.

Parents Visiting Days

Parents and guest are allowed to see the cadets only on specified Sunday (Parents visiting days) according to the annual calendar.

Extra Money

Parents should not give any extra money to the cadets, if any cash more than Rs. 500/- is found with the cadet, the amount will be have confiscated and will not be refunded. However, parents may deposit extra money with the concerned House Master, who shall keep record of such money. Cadets may get the money from the House Master once a week or as per requirement


There will be re-admission in 1st year class as per admission rules.

Dress Inspection

Dress inspection is carried out on every Monday to ensure proper turnout of the cadets.

Rules and Regulations

The cadet is admitted to the college only on the conditions that he will abide by the rules and regulations of the college and any violation of rules and regulations will make him liable to expulsion.

The college can not be held responsible for any illness, injury, accident, disability or death of a cadet once cadet is out of the premises of the college.

A cadet can be expelled from the college on the following grounds. Stealing, cheating, willful and deliberate damage to the college property, using unfair means in the examinations, repeated absence without leave, failing in examination, Consistent ill-discipline, possession of firearms of any kind, subversive activity, smoking, use of narcotics, toxicant and unauthorized medicine, abandonment from college, insolent behavior with the staff, fighting, harassing juniors, immoral offence of any kind whatsoever, grave misconduct outside the college campus or any action likely to violate the good order of the principal requires expulsion from the college. In case of serious offence, a cadet may be expelled without previous warning.


Cadets have to be in the prescribed dress while they are in the college.

Dress Details:


All possible measures, for the safety of the cadets during their stay in college campus, are taken. However, the college shall not be held responsible for any kind of accident / mishap causing any physical injury or death.


Leave other than the breaks, scheduled and announced by the college, will both be granted except in exceptional circumstances of genuine nature. No leave will be granted to attend wedding ceremonies except that of real brothers and sisters.